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Welcome to the abode of Bonsai plants and trees - Cochin Bonsai Garden, located at Cochin in the State of Kerala. Hand-picked species of rare trees were nurtured and grown upto 40 years in an artistical way so that all our creations have great demands in the Flower Shows of the region. Each plant is given a personal care as per the authentic Bonsai books. More and more people are coming forward to get aquainted in this art of miniaturing plants and trees. More over its been regarded as a perfect hobby to control stress and depression and to become better nature lover.

Bonsai Plant

Bonsai is definitely a great hobby or even a rewarding profession for people to undertake. Although famous theologians have claimed that it is actually 90% art to a meager 10% of horticulture, it has to be said that a successful Bonsai is most definitely a horticultural masterpiece. Today, Bonsai is considered as a very attractive money-earning business. We invest time and love then money and appreciation follows that hardwork.


Cochin Bonsai Garden
Pallathussery, 4th Cross Road, Muttathil Lane,
Cochin, Kerala, India - 682 020
Phone: 91-0484-2206142, 91-98474 53583
E-mail: mail@cochinbonsaigarden.com

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